Sunday 27 May 2012

Hi again! 

Here is another Random Fact: 

The high iron content in their livers makes Panda Bears slightly magnetic!

Random Fact : 

A Panda Bear smells through its ears and hears through its nose!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Random Facts:

Beneath the Pandas white fur, the skin is black and beneath the black fur, the skin is pink! 


Hi again! :)

This picture made my day. I hope it will make yours too :)

Hi all! 

Here is a picture of me and my best friend, wearing our Panda Bear hats. 


Friday 25 May 2012

Welcome one and all! 

This blog, Memoirs of a Panda Bear, revolves completely around Panda Bears and how they are so incredibly cute. I will be posting plenty of daily entries so keep tuned.

Just hanging around...